I consider myself to be a fairly liberal person in most respects. I mean, if you want to smoke medical marijuana while having a medical abortion, then have someone assist you in suicide, I'm pretty much OK with that. That being said, am I the only one who thinks it's ridiculous that the local news is showing a bunch of gangbangers in juvenile jail with their faces blurred but gang hand signs and tattoos on full display? And then, even better, the captions include their gang monikers. When's the last time you watched CNN and saw the President captioned "George Bush aka Dubya"? Give me a fuckin' break. The anchor idiot is talking about this scourge, then lets them advertise their neighborhoods with that nonsense. That's exactly the shit they get off on. Nice job. BTW -- get some help with your Mexican gang name pronunciation. This is LA for gods sakes. It's Pecas (PEH-kahs) not Pecas (pay-kuss), it means freckles.
Put It Out There
So I have a really good friend and things always seem to go her way. She tells me the secret is to "put it out there." You know, talk about it like it's really going to happen. Visualize it. Actualize it. Make it so. This is my attempt to put myself out there a little and see what Karma has in store.
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