February 12, 2006

I wonder whose job it is at Google to come up with the fun themed logos on the search page. Is it an entire graphic arts department or just one creative guy with a really sweet gig? Yesterday's had a mermaid. Not sure what the significance was, but it looked cool.

Took a second look at the little Spanish style for sale on the coast -- as if there's a snowball's chance in hell of me tackling a $1 million mortgage solo. Oh well, no charge to look. I'm going to start seriously looking into buying a house this year. I know that with my budget I'll be lucky to find one in an "up and coming neighborhood" (aka ghetto) -- and will be happy to get it. But, at least I know this town. Some bad neighborhoods are worse than others and I'm really hoping for semi-ghetto or better. Nothing like getting in on the ground floor. No where to go but up.


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